Guide for Authors


Articles submitted to the journal include the following:

A- Original Article: Scientific research articles with a maximum volume of 4500 words, a total of 5 tables and pictures, and 35 references.

B- Commentary: In order to discuss and comment on a specific topic, the number of words must be 1000 without including the sources.

C- Review Articles: It is proposed to present the latest findings on a specific topic (maximum 4500 words). Note: its writing is similar to other research articles (including abstract, introduction, discussion, conclusion). In the list of references, at least 6 references used must belong to the author (with at least four of the six articles as first author or responsible author).

D- Case report: It is considered to introduce the case or cases that are rarely observed and should include abstract, introduction, case report, discussion, conclusion, thanks and references. The case report has a maximum of 1000 words, 5 tables and pictures and 15 references.

E- Letter to the Editor: A letter to the editor can be written in the form of presenting scientific observations or criticism of one of the articles published in this journal, with a short discussion, along with a list of sources. Letter to the editor with a maximum of 1000 words; The total limit of tables and images is 2, the limit of sources and references is 5. The criticism of the article will be sent to the responsible author of the criticized article and will be published along with his answer, if approved by the writers' council.

Note 1: Translated articles will not be accepted in any way

Note 2: Sending manuscripts or documents in pdf format is not accepted

Note 3: Before sending clinical trial articles for publication, they must be registered in one of the clinical trial registration centers, such as Iran IRCT Clinical Trial Registration Center at, and their registration code should be sent along with the article. 

Sections of the article

Submitted articles must have the following sections, and manuscripts sent outside of the mentioned format will not be considered:

  • Manuscripts should be prepared by Microsoft Word software in A4 size and without any layout, single line spacing with 2.5 cm margins, B Mitra font size 12, B Mitra font size 14 Bold. Use Time New Roman size 12 font for typing the English summary text and references, and Time New Roman size 14 Bold font for the Latin title.
  • Equations should be prepared legibly with appropriate letters and symbols using Microsoft Word Equation. Units are numbered according to International Units (SI) and equations respectively.
  • The manuscript must include 3 files: 1- Word file, title page and authors' details 2- Word file of the manuscript (with abstract, introduction, methods, findings, discussion and conclusion, appreciation and thanks and sources respectively) and commitment form be authors. It is emphasized not to send multiple files containing tables, images, etc. Abbreviations: The full term of the standard abbreviations must be written in full in the first instance in the summary and text of the article and then used uniformly, unless it is related to the standard scales and values. Avoid mentioning abbreviations in the title of the article.
  • Avoid writing footnotes.
  • As far as possible, the Persian equivalent of the English words should be written, and if necessary, the English words should be put in parentheses.
  • After the publication of the article, a copy will not be sent to the responsible author, and the journal issues are accessible to authors and readers through the website.

Title page: The full title of the article without using abbreviations. The title page should include the full title of the article, the full name of all authors, the highest academic degree, department or department of activity, university or institution of activity, city and country, as well as full information of the responsible author, including address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address.

  • Note: Mentioning the names of the author or authors with the highest academic degree, group or department or institution where they work in English is also mandatory on the title page.

Note 1: The title of the article should reflect the content of the article and should not exceed 20 words.

Note 2: According to the electronic system of the journal, the article is sent directly to the referee, so it should be noted that the article does not have the authors' names in the Word file after the title page. Otherwise, sending the article to the referee will be stopped until the file is corrected.

Abstract: All original articles must have an abstract in Persian and English. The abstract of the article with a maximum of 250 words should express the work done, findings and conclusions. The structure of the abstract of the article should include sections of introduction, methodology, findings, conclusion and key words.

At the end of the abstract of the article, 3 to 6 keywords should be written. To write keywords, the MeSH guide at should be used.

The English abstract must be exactly equivalent to the Persian abstract and include Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion and Keywords sections.

Introduction: In this section, previous and background information should be provided and history by mentioning references, the necessity of conducting research, unanswered questions that this research answers, and stating how the results of this research can help to resolve ambiguities, defining terms. Specialization or scientific abbreviations and the purpose of the research should be clearly mentioned. The introduction should not include the information and results of the desired study.

Methods: This section includes detailed presentation of methods, observations or experiences used in the present study. For well-known used methods, it is enough to mention their sources, but if the method is new, enough information should be given so that it can be understood and repeated objectively by other researchers. If a device is used, write the name of the factory and the address in parentheses. Medicines should be mentioned with their generic names and the amount and method of their use. Patients' information including age, gender and mean age (along with standard deviation) should be mentioned. Statistical methods and software used and its version should be stated.

If the study has a questionnaire or checklist, the method of ensuring its validity should be specified and the detailed description of the implementation process for its validation should be explained. Explain how to determine the methods used to ensure the reliability of the questionnaire and report the results of the statistical tests used to ensure reliability. In the case of standard questionnaires, it is enough to mention its name and reference.

Note: According to the approval of the Ministry of Health, the articles must have the ethics committee code. Ethical statement: This research has complied with all ethical issues in the research. If it is done on animals or taken from a file or questionnaire, it should be written that the ethical requirements have been met or that the confidentiality of the information has been maintained.

Findings: This section is presented in the form of text with tables, figures and diagrams. In this section, only the findings are presented and the reasons and arguments related to it should be avoided. The contents of tables, figures and diagrams should not be repeated completely in the text and it is enough to mention the number of the table, figure or diagram in the text.
Tables: Tables should be sent without external borders. A limited number of tables will be accepted according to the volume of the study and article, along with mentioning its title at the top of the table. Sending tables is only accepted under Microsoft Word software.
  • Additional explanations about the content of the tables should be in the form of subtitles at the bottom of the table. Tables should have a white background without shadows. Tables should be prepared by Microsoft Word software without any page layout, single line spacing, B Mitra font size 12, and B Mitra bold size 12 font for column and row headers. To type Latin words in the table, use Time New Roman font and size 12. Each number must be placed in a house or cell.
  • Figure and diagram: Figure or diagram with its title mentioned below and in JPG format is acceptable. It is necessary to consider each shape with a quality of 200 dpi and a maximum size limit of 500 KB. If a figure or table is taken from another reference, the reference number should be written at the end of the title of the table or figure, and the details of the source should be included in the references section.

Discussion: In this section, first the important and basic findings of the study are mentioned and then compared with other studies, the similarities and differences are stated. It is not necessary to mention the full details of the findings in this section. It is necessary to emphasize the new and important findings of the present study and its achievements in this part. It is necessary to mention that the hypothesis presented in the study is correct or incorrect, or that sufficient reasons have not been obtained to reject or accept it.

Conclusion: The important and new aspects of the study should be given as a conclusion. The purpose of this section is to mention the main reason for conducting the research, analysis and interpretation of the findings, as well as general conclusions.

Acknowledgment: In this section, all the people who somehow contributed to the study but were not among the authors of the article are acknowledged. The people who contributed to the writing of the article, methods and general support are thanked and appreciated in this section. It is also necessary to mention the name of the organization (s) sponsoring or funding the research in this section.
Conflict of interest: Authors should clearly state any potential conflict of interest such as receiving payment for the article, or acquiring stock or shares in an organization that may be gained or lost through the publication of the article. If there is no conflict of interest, the following sentence should be added to the end of the article, before the thanks: "No conflict of interest has been declared by the authors."
References: References must be written in English and according to the Vancouver format. References should be numbered in the order of use in the text and listed in the reference section. References must include works cited in the text that have been published or accepted for publication ("in press"). Personal correspondence or unpublished information should not be listed in the reference list, but may be cited in parentheses in the text. When referring to personal communication, it must be with permission. Persian sources should be translated into English and the word Persian should be written at the end. Writing sources with proper punctuation should be as follows:
Articles: Abbreviations of journal names should be based on Index Medicus: Surname (space) first letter of author's name, last name (space) first letter of author's name, (.) article title (.) abbreviation of journal name (based on Medline) (space) publication year (;) publication number (space) journal number Page numbers in parentheses (:).
  •  The English equivalent of the names of Iranian journals should be written based on the English name and abbreviation of the journal and based on the full name of the journal. The first letters of the name of the journal must be capitalized.
English example: Jiang Z, Huang Y, Sharfstein ST. Regulation of recombinant monoclonal antibody production in Chinese hamster ovary cells: a comparative study of gene copy number, mRNA level, and protein expression. Biotechnol Prog 2006; 22 (1): 313-318.
  • The names of the authors should be separated by a comma (,). It is necessary to mention the names of six first authors. If the number of authors is more than six, the term et al should be used after the name of the sixth person.

Example: Asaria P, Elliott P, Douglass M, Obermeyer Z, Soljak M, Majeed A, et al. Acute myocardial infarction hospital admissions and deaths in England: a national follow-back and follow-forward record-linkage study. The Lancet Public Health 2017; 2 (4): e191-e201.

  • If the desired source is a book: Surname (space) first letter of author's name (.) book title (.) edition (.) place of publication (.) publisher (;) year of publication (.) p (.) page number (.).
Example: Romenes GJ. Cunningham's manual. 15th ed. New York, NY: Oxford Univ Press; 1987. 
  • If a chapter of the book is used as a source: Last name (space) First letter of the author's name of that chapter (.) Title of the desired chapter (.) In: Last name (space) First letter of the author's name (,) Book title (.) Publication date (.) Place or city of publication (:) Publisher's name (;) Publication year (.) p (.) Pages (.) Example: Philips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laergh JH, Brenner BM, Hypertension. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press; 1995. p. 465-478.

Thesis:  Last name of the author (space) first letter of the author's name (.) full title of the thesis (.) [section of the thesis] (.) name of the city (,) country (:) name of the faculty (.) name of the university (;) year of publication ( .)

Example: Kaplan SJ. Post-hospital home health care: the elderly access and utilization [dissertation]. St. Louis (Mo): Washington Univ; 1995.

Electronic resources: electronic magazine on the Internet Last name of the author (space) First name of the author (.) Title of the article (.) Name of the journal [online] Year of publication (and month of publication) (;) Period (number) (:) [Number of pages[ (.) ]Day, month and year of access [cited (;) Available from (:) Internet address of access.

Example: Morse SS. Factors in emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] 1995; 1(1): 95-71. [Cited 1997 Oct 12]; Available from: http://www.cdc.Gov/ncidod/EID/eid.html

Web page resources: Surname (space) first letter of author's name [or author's description (.) title (.) year of publication if available (:) [number of pages or frames] [day, month and year of access [cited (;) Available from (: ) Internet access address.

Example: Dentsply Co. BioPure (MTAD) Cleanser. [2 screens] [Cited 2006 Nov 26]; Available from: 

Legal considerations 
  •  Sending a letter that has been signed by the authors of the article and while introducing the responsible author of the article, the named persons must clearly commit that the submitted article has not been published in magazines in the country or has not been sent elsewhere, and at the same time it should be stated in the letter. Until the final answer is received, the article should not be sent to another publication.
  • The order of the authors' names is done according to the submitted article, and the magazine has no obligation towards it, and this is the responsibility of the author responsible for the article. 
  • It is necessary to send a letter signed by all the authors of the article to the editor and the level of participation of all members should be specified in it. - The author is responsible for the contents, opinions and opinions contained in the article, and all partial and general rights of the articles contained in the magazine are reserved for the authors.
  • The author(s) of the article are responsible for those who thank them by name in the acknowledgment section. - The journal is committed to give a definitive opinion on the acceptance or rejection of the article to the journal within 4 months from the notification of receipt of the article, subject to the author's response to the problems and questions raised. 
  • A computer copy of the article is sent to the author after it is accepted and before printing, so that its errors and defects can be removed. - The author is obliged to make the necessary corrections as soon as possible and send them to the journal office. - There is no charge for printing the article.
  • The editorial board of Pars magazine is free to reject, correct, edit and summarize the article. - If the refereed article is not corrected by the author after one month and is not returned, the article will be automatically rejected by the system. Copyright All contents of Pars Journal of Medical Sciences (Jahrom University of Medical Sciences) are subject to international copyright law. This magazine is made available to individuals for non-commercial use. Modifying, publishing, transferring and displaying any contents of the magazine without mentioning the name of this magazine is prohibited. This magazine owns the copyright.